Elements of Workspace as Factors of Workspace Satisfaction in the ICT Sector in Macedonia

Mishko Ralev, Ana Tomovska–Misoska, Viktorija Eremeeva Naumoska

The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between the physical workspace environment and the satisfaction of ICT employees. The research was undertaken in two ICT organizations in Macedonia using employee surveys. The results show an overall high level of satisfaction with various aspects of the workspace. Although there were no differences in overall job satisfaction between the employees, those working in individual offices were most satisfied with their privacy by comparison with workers in other types of office. The physical aspects of the workspace such as: storage space, office aesthetics, access to co‐workers, meeting spaces, the comfort of the space provided, privacy and lighting were found to be significantly correlated within overall workspace satisfaction. The findings therefore point to the importance of paying close attention to workspace design elements as they are connected with the perception of the workspace as an important aspect of job satisfaction.