All manuscripts published in AICEI Proceedings are double blind peer-reviewed, receive a DOI, citable, published in PDF format, and submitted for indexing in relevant digital archives.

Submission of a manuscript to AICEI Proceedings implies that the authors have read and agree to the Copyright and licensing policy of the journal, as well as other policies and requirements stated by the journal. In addition, the submitting author holds responsibility that its publication has been approved by all coauthors (if applicable) and by the responsible authorities at the institution where the work has been carried out (if applicable).

AICEI Proceedings it invites the submission of high-quality manuscripts from all areas that contribute to the topic of European integration, including but not limited to economics, business and management; sociology and culture; politics and law; psychology and behavioral sciences, health, medicine and well-being; environmental sciences etc. AICEI Proceedings accepts the following manuscript types: 1) Original research, 2) Systematic reviews, 3) Review and 4) Policy and practice review. For more details please read below and in the Instructions for Authors section.

1 • Original Research

Original Research articles report on primary and unpublished studies. Original Research may also encompass confirming studies and disconfirming results which allow hypothesis elimination, reformulation and/or report on the non-reproducibility of previously published results. Original Research articles are peer-reviewed, have a maximum word count of 12,000. Original Research articles should conform to the following format: 1) Abstract, 2) Introduction, 3) Materials and Methods, 4) Results, 5) Discussion and 6) Conclusion.

2 • Systematic Review

Systematic Review articles present a synthesis of previous research on a given topic that uses systematic and clearly defined methods to identify, categorize, analyse and report aggregated evidence on a specific topic. Included in this article type are meta-synthesis, meta-analysis, systematic review, and systematic review with a meta-analysis.

Systematic Reviews articles are double blind peer-reviewed manuscripts with a maximum word count of 12,000 words.

In order to be considered for publication, the systematic reviews submitted to AICEI Proceedings should contain clearly defined research question with respect to the specific type of study or analysis, population, intervention, exposure, and tests or outcomes should be described for each article or data source (PICOS format). Additionally, the manuscript should contain a statement on the reporting guidelines used in the study (for design and reporting, conform to the reporting guidelines in your field (i.e. PRISMA), as well as provide a PRISMA flow diagram if applicable, as well as include funding information (if not applicable, please state that no funding was obtained for the research).

Recommended formation for systematic reviews: The title should include the words “systematic review”, “meta-synthesis “or “meta-analysis” as appropriate.

The structure of the manuscript should respect the following headings: 1) Abstract, 2) Introduction, 3) Methods (including study design; participants; interventions; comparators; systematic review protocol; search strategy; data sources; studies selection, data extraction and quality analyses; data synthesis and analysis), 4) Results (including a flow diagram of the retrieved; study characteristics; synthesis of findings; assessment of risk of bias), 5) Discussion (including limitations) and 6) Conclusions.

3 • Review

Review articles are scholarly contributions that cover relevant research developments in the field, as well as critically examine state-of-the-art, and provide a balanced perspective on future developments in the relevant field.

Reviews are not a simple summary of the available literature. They are a critical and comprehensive discussion on all relevant published works worldwide. At their very best, they are intended to provide a discussion of the existing schools of thought, identified research gaps and potential for developments in the relevant field

Review articles are peer-reviewed, have a maximum word count of 12,000 and at least 70 to 150 references.

Review articles should have the following format: 1) Abstract, 2) Introduction (beginning with an explanation to the background of the subject area and ending with the purpose of the paper and the approach), 3) Subsections that the author(s) identify as relevant for their concept and 4) Discussion (that provides a summary of the state-of-the-art and future trends).

4 • Policy and Practice Reviews

Policy and Practice Reviews are manuscripts that aim to provide a comprehensive elaboration of existing and significant topics including policy, regulations, and guidelines issued by academia, regulatory bodies, industries and others.

Policy & Practice Reviews are peer-reviewed, have a maximum word count of 12,000.

Authors wishing to submit a Policy & Practice Review manuscript should have the following format: 1) Abstract, 2) Introduction, 3) Sections on assessment of policy/guidelines options and implications, 4) Actionable Recommendations, 5) Discussion.

Alternatively, AICEI Proceedings welcomes articles that cover the annual theme from the AICEI Conference given that it belongs to one of the stated categories of articles. Each AICEI Conference provides a multidisciplinary coverage of a relevant theme for the region and globally, thus interested authors who participate at the conference may further submit their article for consideration for publishing in AICEI Proceedings for the same year.

When submitting a manuscript to AICEI Proceedings, authors must comply with the requirements outlined in the Instructions for Authors section.