Peer Review Process
Peer review is an integral part of scientific publishing that confirms the validity of the manuscript. AICEI peer reviewers are experts in the relevant field who volunteer their time to help improve the value of the manuscripts they review. Manuscripts submitted to AICEI Conference and AICEI Proceedings undergo double bling peer review process. The assigned Editor-in-Chief is responsible for conducting an initial check after the abstract submission, full paper submission (in case the abstract is accepted) and during the phase of the double-blind peer review process. A minimum of two reviewers evaluate the quality of the manuscript and suggestions and recommendation to the editor in the form of a written report and a summarized recommendation that can take form in one of the following: (a) manuscripts should be accepted with no changes, (b) manuscript should be accepted with minor changes, (c) manuscripts should be accepted with major revisions or (d) manuscript should be rejected. Afterwards the Editor-in-Chief decides whether the manuscript should undergo a revision, be published or be rejected. The assigned Editors-in-Chief attain responsibility for preserving the academic rigor of the publication process, including objectivity of acceptance/rejection decisions. A summary of the collaborative peer-review process is presented in the flowchart below.

Illustration of AICEI Conference and AICEI Proceedings Double Blind Peer Review Process
Ever year AICEI publishes deadlines that are relevant for the authors, editors and reviewers. They are defined to ensure the timely submission, review and publication of all articles. Please refer to AICEI Conference Important dates and deadlines for more information.