University American College Skopje in partnership with UNHCR in North Macedonia is organizing its
17th Annual International Conference on Emerging Ideas – AICEI 2022
‘Priorities Redefined: New Realities after the Ukrainian Crisis’
Skopje, 22 September 2022
Register for AICEI2022!
Register Now!The Seventeenth Annual International Conference on Emerging Ideas – AICEI 2022 entitled ‘Priorities Redefined: New Realities after the Ukrainian Crisis’ seeks to assess the emerging contemporary issues and how they impact business, economies, and societies. By providing a platform for scholars, industry experts, government officials and civil participants and students to share their ideas and experience, AICEI 2022 will explore the observed impact of emerging societal issues in the following areas:

Politics and Society
- The Ukrainian crisis and the future of EU Enlargement
- Sanctions as means of warfare and diplomacy
- Environmental policies and energy security in Europe
- Public attitudes about the war in Ukraine
- Refugees in Europe
- The role of international organizations in contemporary international relations
- The future of the European Union
- The consequences of far-right politics in Europe
- Identity politics in divided societies
- Global international rule-making. Will the UN survive?
- Language, borders and identity: contemporary challenges to identity formation
- Impact of population declining: what’s the future ahead of us?
- Refugees: time to rethink the narrative
- Rethinking Governance in the context of high people mobility and digitalization
- Imagine 2050
Economy and Business
- Trends and patterns in overcoming global crises
- Recent innovations and finance
- Supporting entrepreneurs and SME's
- New modes of work and people management
- Insights into consumption patterns, marketing strategies and sales tactics
- Stimulating long term growth
- Implications of digital technologies for companies
- Managerial challenges in changing environments
- Trends in recruitment, career development and education
Psychology and Public Health
- Challenges to mental health in (post)pandemic times
- New trends in psychological stress, security and resilience building
- New modes of relationship building
- Emerging trends in teaching, learning and education policy
- Change of paradigm in public health policies and services
- Insights into changing attitudes, values and beliefs
Conference Program
- 8:45-9:15 • Registration
- 9:30-10:30 • Opening session:
H.E. Ms. Slavjanka Petrovska, Minister of Defense of the Republic of North Macedonia
Mr. Edward P. Joseph, Johns Hopkins SAIS, USA - 10:30-11:00 • Professor Honoris Causa Awarding Ceremony
- 11:00-11:30 • Coffee break
- 11:30-12:15 • Session 1: The Ukrainian crisis and responses
- 12:15-13:00 • Session 2: EU, Ukraine and the future
- 13:00-13:30 • Coffee break
- 13:30-14:15 • Parallel Session 3: Post-Covid 19 challenges
- 13:30-14:15 • Parallel Session 4: Challenges in education
- 14:15-15:15 • Lunch
- 15:15-16:15 • Parallel Session 5: Contexts: Crises, identity and challenges to democracy
- 15:15-16:15 • Parallel Session 6: Economic crises, insecurities, and prospects
- 16:15-16:30 • Closing plenary session
Opening addresses: H.E. Ms. Slavjanka Petrovska, Minister of Defense of the Republic of North Macedonia
Official keynote speaker: Edward P. Joseph, Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, USA
Master of Ceremony: Ognen Vangelov, UACS Assistant Professor
Note: The working language of the conference is EnglishWorking Sessions
11:30-12:15 • Session 1: The Ukrainian crisis and responses
Moderator: Cristina Bunea
- Robert C. Hudson (United Kingdom), The UK and the Conflict in Ukraine
- Jeremy Cripps (United States of America), Disintermediation: Post War Reality Priorities
- Zsuzsanna Csapó (Hungary), To Help, or Not to Help, That Cannot be a Question. The International Legal Obligations of States in Relation to the Russian-Ukrainian Armed Conflict: The Duty to Help and the Duty to Refuse Assistance (and the Duty of Non-recognition)
12:15-13:00 • Session 2: EU, Ukraine and the future
Moderator: Ognen Vangelov
- Martin Solik, Jan Graf (Czechia), Russian Hybrid Operations in the Balkans after Ukrainian War: Main Obstacle in the EU Enlargement Process?
- Marijana Opashinova Shundovska (North Macedonia), Politics and Society: The Ukrainian Crisis and the Future of EU Enlargement: Merit-based or Politically-driven Process?
- Jordan Shishovski (North Macedonia), Redesign of Cities for Urban Warfare Resilience and Deterrence After the Russo-Ukrainian War of 2022
13:00-13:30 • Coffee break
13:30-14:15 • Parallel Session 3: Post-Covid 19 challenges
Moderator: Marina Andeva
- Igor Sazdovski, Maja Stevkova-Sterieva (North Macedonia), The Effect of COVID 19 on Digitalization of Financial Transactions in Macedonia
- Dimitrinka Jordanova Pesevska, Ana Tomovska Misoska, Angela Filipovska (North Macedonia), Experiences of Stress and Anxiety related to COVID-19 Preoccupation and COVID-19 Difficulties among University Students in North Macedonia
- Sanja Pavlova (North Macedonia), Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Organizational Behavior and Mental Health of Employees in Higher Education Institution
13:30-14:15 • Parallel session 4: Challenges in education
Moderator: Ivana Trajanoska
- Dimitrinka Jordanova Pesevska (North Macedonia), Experiences of Peer Victimization Associated with Stress and Anxiety among Adolescents in North Macedonia
- Maja Pavlovska, Ivana Trajanoska (North Macedonia), The Role of English Language Testing and Certification in the Recruitment Process in the R.N. Macedonia
- Natasha Angeleska (North Macedonia) Digital Competences for Teaching and Learning
- Ilina Kachinske (North Macedonia) Student-inspired Pedagogy: Students’ Beliefs and Preferences Regarding Second Language Academic Writing
14:15-15:15 • Lunch
15:15-16:15 • Parallel Session 5: Contexts: Crises, identity and challenges to democracy
Moderator: Ivan Dodovski
- Ognen Vangelov (North Macedonia), What Drove Autocratization in Hungary under Victor Orban and North Macedonia under Nikola Gruevski?
- Marina Andeva, Ylber Sela (North Macedonia), Languages and Identities in North Macedonia: Legal and Political Challenges to State Formation
- Vladimir Kacarski (North Macedonia), Creation of International Anti-cosmic Bodies Protection System
15:15-16:15 • Parallel Session 6: Economic crises, insecurities, and prospects
Moderator: Ana Tomovska-Misoska
- Dimitar Dimitrovski, Snezana Hristova (North Macedonia), Strategies for Business Model Innovation: Exploiting Synergy for Competitive Advantage in the Energy Sector
- Marija Stanojeska (North Macedonia), An Implementation of Digital Technologies to Improve the Productivity and Reduce Non-value Adding Activities in the Production Process
- Snezana Hristova, Dusica Srbinoska Stevcevska, Stefan Tanevski, Igor Spasovski (North Macedonia), FinTech and the Customer Experience: How to Embrace Change in Macedonian Banking Industry?
- Tane Murgoski, Snezana Hristova (North Macedonia) The Advanced Role of Innovation and New Capabilities: The Search for a New HR Strategy in Alkaloid Skopje